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Animated Videos

To learn the best, in easy way.

Question Bank

to practice till you get confident.

Doubt Support

to help you out with questions.

Visual Physics 1 + 2

2500+ Animated Videos | 100 hours duration | 4500+ Structured Solved Problems

Individual Chapters on:

Motion in 1 Dimension
Motion in 2 & 3 Dimension
Newton's Laws Of Motion
Circular Motion
Work, Power & Energy
COM, Momentum & Collisions
Rotational Mechanics
Rigid Body Dynamics
Simple Harmonic Motion
Mechanical Waves
Heat & Temperature
Heat Transfer
Gas Laws And Kinetic Theory
Laws Of Thermodynamics
Electric Forces and Fields
Gauss' Law
Electric Potential
Capacitors and Dielectrics
Electric Current
Electric Power and RC Circuits
Magnetic Force
Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Induction
Alternating Current
Refraction - Plane Surface
Refraction - Curved Surface
Wave Optics

Visual Physics 1 + 2

Mechanics, Waves, Thermodynamics, ElectroMagnetism, Ray Optics

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System Requirements

OS: Window 10 & 11 | 1 GB RAM | Total size : 8 GB | Internet
is required only for the activation (10 sec process)

Only for students's use; not authorized for teaching

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Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription is simply the validity period of the course. The product runs on activation and the course will be accessible only during the purchased subscription period; however you get the complete content with every subscription option.

You will need to install the Visual Physics Android App and register with same email as of the order. We will add app subscription at our end with-in 24 hours.

Doubt Support Chat can be accessed via the Visual Physics Apps. You can post your doubts in written and image format from any book.

Get The Edge

Everybody can understand the basic concepts and can learn to solve the normal questions, but
that doesn’t make the difference in exams like JEE and NEET.

What does make a difference
is to be able to understand tougher topics and make sense of concepts in hybrid questions of different topics.

This is where Visual Physics will make a difference in your learning and rank.

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